Known as Ren.Twenty4 HE
Intersex M mixed.
Introject. +Alter.
ENTJ sp8w9(853)
Interests are... Star Wars, for one. I also enjoy researching secret government experiments. Watch your fucking back, CIA.I won't tolerate general cuntliness (edgy bullshit, drama mongering.)I'm not scary or an attack dog, so don't say shit like that to me. Feel free to block me, I won't notice or mind.[Blows a fat kiss to the camera.]


/***************************\ * News Ticker Text Effect * *(c)2004-14 mf2fm web-design* * * * DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS BOX * \***************************/ var newsp, cursp, flash, item = 0; if (typeof ('addRVLoadEvent') != 'function') function addRVLoadEvent(funky) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof (oldonload) != 'function') window.onload = funky; else window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) oldonload(); funky(); } } addRVLoadEvent(teleprint); function teleprint() { if (document.getElementById) { var span = document.getElementById("news"); while (span.childNodes.length) span.removeChild(span.childNodes[0]); delay *= 1000; newsp = document.createElement("span"); cursp = document.createElement("span"); cursp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(160) + cursor)); span.appendChild(newsp); span.appendChild(cursp); ticker(); } } function ticker() { var i; while (newsp.childNodes.length) newsp.removeChild(newsp.childNodes[0]); newsp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(news[item].substring(0, 1))); for (i = 1; i < news[item].length; i++) setTimeout('newsp.firstChild.nodeValue="' + news[item].substring(0, i + 1) + '"', 100 * i); if (news[item].indexOf("www") != -1) setTimeout('linkit(' + item + ')', 100 * i); setTimeout('flash=setInterval("\'visible\')?\'hidden\':\'visible\'", 234)', 100 * i) setTimeout('clearInterval(flash)', delay); setTimeout('"visible"', delay); setTimeout('ticker()', delay); item = ++item % news.length; } function linkit(q) { var a, p, e, l; p = news[q].indexOf("www"); e = news[q].indexOf(" ", p); if (e == -1) e = news[q].length; l = news[q].substring(p, e); while (newsp.childNodes.length) newsp.removeChild(newsp.childNodes[0]); newsp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(news[q].substring(0, p))); a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "http://" + l; a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(l)); newsp.appendChild(a); newsp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(news[q].substring(e))); } // ]]>